Trusted identity providers for seamless authentication

Simplify User Access with Facebook, Google, and Amazon Authentication

Experience the convenience of Facebook, Google, and Amazon authentication options with Cripsa's OAuth 2.0 services. Integrate social and dev logins into your app for effortless access and hassle free signups. Enjoy a secure and reliable login experience with Cripsa.

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One Login

Unmatched security for SaaS application

Comprehensive Security Measures with Cripsa's OAuth 2.0 Services

Boost Signups

Expand user reach with Google, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon authentication options for increased engagement and conversions.

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Security & Stability

Eliminate password fatigue and get enhanced protection against account takeover and password spraying attacks

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Hassle-free integration

Effortless OAuth 2.0 integration into the B2B SaaS application, ensures time and resource savings and efficient deployment.

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Add Social login features to your App

Make your app enterprise-ready in minutes.


OAuth 2.0 is an authorization framework that allows applications to access user data from third-party services, without requiring the user to share their login credentials.

OAuth 2.0 works by allowing users to grant applications access to their data by providing them with a token, known as an access token. The access token is used to authenticate the application when making requests to the third-party service on behalf of the user.

An access token is a token that is issued by the authorization server to an application, after the user has granted the application access to their data. The access token is used by the application to access the user's data on the third-party service.

Best practices for implementing OAuth 2.0 include ensuring that sensitive data is protected using encryption, using secure communication protocols, and implementing appropriate access controls to prevent unauthorized access to user data. Additionally, developers should always follow the OAuth 2.0 specification and use established libraries and tools to implement.

An authorization server is a server that is responsible for issuing access tokens to applications, after the user has granted the application access to their data.

A resource server is a server that is responsible for storing and providing access to user data. In OAuth 2.0, the resource server is the server that the application accesses using the access token.

OAuth 1.0a and OAuth 2.0 are different versions of the OAuth protocol. OAuth 2.0 is a more modern and flexible version of the protocol, with improved security features and support for a wider range of use cases.