API Security Create Project

The API is used to create a project with https://api.cripsa.com/v2/apisecurity/apisecurity-app-create-project endpoint. with certain parameters like " Environment, Domain, and Project"

API Security Register Scope

This API is used for the purpose of registering a resource within some security or API management system using the API endpoint "https://api.cripsa.com/v2/apisecurity/register-resource endpoint".

Update Resource Server

This API is used to update a resource on the specified API endpoint (https://api.cripsa.com/v2/api-security/update-resource) with parameters such as its identifier, user pool ID, domain, and scopes.

Get Access Token

This API is used to obtain an access token, likely for authentication purposes with the API endpoint (https://api.cripsa.com/v2/apisecurity/get-access-token)

Verify Access Token

This API is used for verifying an access token with the specified API endpoint (https://api.cripsa.com/v2/apisecurity/verify-token) to verify an access token's validity. The response likely indicates whether the token is valid or not.

API Security Delete Resource

This API is used to delete a resource based on the provided parameters with a specified API endpoint (https://api.cripsa.com/v2/apisecurity/apisecurity-resource-deletion). The response likely indicates whether the resource deletion was successful or not.

API Security Rotate-Api

This API is used to rotate (change) the API key associated with the provided domain and stage with the specified API endpoint (https://api.cripsa.com/v2/apisecurity/apisecurity-rotate-api-key) to rotate (change). The response likely indicates whether the API key rotation was successful or not.

API Security Clean-Up

This API is a POST request to clean up API security with the API endpoint 'https://api.cripsa.com/v2/apisecurity/apisecurity-cleanup' with parameters “ Domain name, User pool domain, user Pool ID, Key ID, and Stage (qua, prod, or dev)