Users In Date Range

The purpose of this request is to retrieve the number of users between a specified date range in a given user pool with API endpoint ''.

User Attribute Update

The purpose of this request is to update user attributes for a specific user identified by their email address within a user pool with API endpoint ''. This API will send a POST request to the specified API endpoint, updating the attributes of a user identified by their email address within the specified user pool.

User Detail In Date Range

The purpose of this request is to retrieve user details from an audit log within a specified date range with API endpoint ''. This API will send a POST request to the specified API endpoint, requesting user details from the audit log within the specified date range and for the specified user pool.

Users Detail By Email

The purpose of this request is to retrieve user details based on the provided email address within a specified user pool with the API endpoint ''. This API will send a POST request to the specified API endpoint, requesting user details for the user with the provided email address within the specified user pool and region.

Users Last Login Detail

The purpose of this request is to retrieve details about the last login of a user with a specified email address within a particular user pool and with API endpoint ''. This code will send a POST request to the specified API endpoint, requesting details about the last login of the user with the provided email address within the specified user pool and region.

Use Login Event Detail

This API is used to retrieve login event details for a specific user from an AWS Cognito User Pool in the specified AWS region with the API endpoint ''.

Security Risk During Login

This API is used to retrieve security risk events during a user login from the specified AWS Cognito User Pool using the API endpoint. This code will make a POST request to the specified API endpoint, passing the necessary parameters to retrieve security risk events during a user login for the provided email address and AWS Cognito User Pool.