Get Token From Code

he API makes a POST request to the specified API endpoint ( It is used to obtain an access token using an authorization code grant flow.

Verify Access Token

This API makes a POST request to the specified URL ( to verify an access token. This is commonly used to check the validity of an access token before allowing access to certain resources or actions in an application.

User Info By Access Token

This API makes a POST request to the specified URL ( to retrieve user information from an access token. This is a common step in OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect authentication flows to obtain information about an authenticated user.

Refresh Access Token

API makes a POST request to the specified URL ( to refresh an access token using a refresh token. This is a common practice in OAuth 2.0 authentication flows to obtain a new access token when the current one expires.

Revoke Access Token

This API sends a POST request to the specified URL ( to revoke an access token and delete a user session. This is typically used when you want to log out a user or invalidate their access token.

Update Access Token Validity

This API sends a POST request to the specified URL ( to modify the validity times for access tokens, ID tokens, and refresh tokens in a user pool. This code essentially sends a request to modify the validity times for access tokens, ID tokens, and refresh tokens to the specified server endpoint.

Update User Attribute

This API is used to update a user's attributes in the Cripsa session management with the API endpoint

Delete User

This API essentially sends a request to delete a user with the specified email address within the specified user pool to the specified server endpoint